It is the teacher's responsibility to teach students to take good care of their instruments and keep them in good condition.
When the user of an instrument changes, such as at the end of the school year, be sure to check the instrument. Ask the student who used it if there is anything wrong with the instrument.
The following page lists points to note for each instrument.
All instruments (especially woodwind instruments) are delicate, so if the instrument goes out of tune, it is safer to leave it to a music store and not touch it unless you are knowledgeable about instruments.
There was also a story about a junior high school student who completely disassembled his saxophone, was unable to put it back together, and brought the disassembled parts in a box to his teacher.
However, some brass and percussion instruments can be easily repaired by simply replacing parts, so ask a music store and make sure you have a certain number of parts ready.
Bands that perform well also have instruments in good condition, and students can't perform well without good instruments. As the level of performance improves, students understand the importance of instruments and take better care of them.
You can tell the level of a band by looking at the condition of their instruments.
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