< Melody for bass instruments >

  Use this for practicing trombone, euphonium, and bassoon. The version for tuba is the same key but one octave lower.

"Annie Laurie", "On the shores of Lake Baikal", "Santa Lucia", "Alle Vögel sind schon da"
Musics for bass instruments, Musics for tuba

"My Home on the Mountain Pass", "Spring Days and Flowers Shining", "Lullaby of the Chugoku Chihou "
Musics for bass instruments, Musics for tuba

"Winter Scene", "Song of Leaving Home", "Loch Lomond"
Musics for bass instruments, Musics for tuba

"Sakura", "Butterfly", "Farewell"
Musics for bass instruments, Musics for tuba

"Nostalgia", "Brahms' Lullaby", "A long time ago"
Musics for bass instruments, Musics for Tuba



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